Sunday, October 24, 2010

Question 2 By: Cici1224

The development of electron configuration and the arrangement and construction of the periodic table helps us better understand our world and what it is made up of. The periodic table helps us find the elements of our world easier. The idea of elements came from Aristotle such as Earth, Water, Wind, Fire. Later, this idea evolved Dmitri Mendeleev produced a table based on atomic weights but arranged them with elements that have similar properties. Soon he rearranged them again. After Mendeleev, Henry Moseley determined the atomic number of each element. He modified the Periodic Law and ordered the element periodically based on their atomic numbers. This is how our Periodic Table is arranged today. Well scientists discover elements sometimes from continuing the work of other scientists or by accident or simply on their own. William Ramsay discovered Noble Gases by removing oxygen, nitrogen, and water from a sample of air. He later called the gas he found Argon. He later founded Helium, Neon, Krypton, and Xenon. Antoine Lavosier founded oxygen and mercury by repeating the experiment originally performed by Joseph Priestley. Oxygen belongs in the Chalcogen group. The name derives from the Greek word chalcos meaning ore formers. Since they were all found in copper ores. Oxygen is a non-metal, for short the Chalcogen group is called the Other Non-Metal Group.


  1. This was very good; however, i do not feel like you had enough information on electron configuration.

  2. You did good, Maybe think about putting more on the configuration and how we determine how to find that element and not so much on how the periodic table was formed.

  3. You did good, you included all the information you needed to without giving me a headache from reading too mutch.

  4. a well thought out and scientific blog, but possibly the addition of modern useage of electron configuration and not as much information on the periodic table developement.

  5. Woow, that is allot of hard text. but you probably did good , because everybody said that. I think it is clear to me after this how the table is made. I

  6. I believe it was good and had wonderful information. It helped me understand. Good job :)

  7. Thanks Cici for providing me with a template as to how I should do my post. I'll have to agree with the other people, you need a bit more information on electron configuration and spectroscopy.
