Electron configuration and spectroscopy give order to the periodic table because of thier properites. Electron configuration is the arrangment and number of electrons in an atom. As the number and arrangment of electrons goes up, it gives a numerical order to them. This allows for the table to first have organization.
Spectroscopy is the amount of light given off by atoms in different colors of the spectrum. These colors and thier positions give identity to the atom. This then sets structure for the periodic table for the different elements to be put into specific groups with specific properties shared by the group.
Zirconium was discovered by Martin Hienrich Klaproth, a German chemist, who was studing the mineral jargon (ZrSiO4). It was made into it pure form in 1824 by a man named Jons Jacob Berzelius. Since zirconium is very resistant to erosion, it is used in high performance machinery. And since it does not easily absorb neutrons it is also used in neuclear reactors.
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