Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Test blog.
Spectroscopy is the amount of light given off by atoms in different colors of the spectrum. These colors and thier positions give identity to the atom. This then sets structure for the periodic table for the different elements to be put into specific groups with specific properties shared by the group.
Zirconium was discovered by Martin Hienrich Klaproth, a German chemist, who was studing the mineral jargon (ZrSiO4). It was made into it pure form in 1824 by a man named Jons Jacob Berzelius. Since zirconium is very resistant to erosion, it is used in high performance machinery. And since it does not easily absorb neutrons it is also used in neuclear reactors.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Revised Question 2
Americcium was discovered in 1944 by Glenn T. Seaborg. He discovered it by bombarding plutonium with neutrons. Am241 is commonly used as a part of home smoke detectors due to its radioactivity and the ability of radiation to be easily detected.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Question #2 - Jp
Question #2
Each individual element has its own frequency of wavelengths. Spectroscopy was originally the study of the interaction between radiation and matter as a function of wavelength. Later the concept was expanded greatly to comprise any measurement of a quantity as a function of either wavelength or frequencey. When an individual chemical is burned, it gives off certain wavelenths of light. These wavelengths can be viewed with a spectroscope. By measuring the wavelenths, scientists are able to conceive which element they are studying.
A new element, Ununseptium, has recently been discovered. "Parts of the discovery were made inside a particle accelerator in Dubna, Russia, during the time frame 2009-2010, when new element 117 was synthesized in the collision of isotopes of calcium and radioactive element berkelium: in the reaction 249Bk + 48Ca. Other aspects of the discovery was made in the United States--at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Livermore, California), the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Oakridge, Tennessee), Vanderbilt University (Nashville, Tennessee), and the University of Nevada (Las Vegas); and in Russia--at the Research Institute of Atomic Reactors (Dimitrovgrad). (Ununseptium (pronounced: oon-oon-SEPT-i-em) stands for "one-one-seven-ium")."- William Atkins (IWIRE)
Monday, October 25, 2010
Question 2
Electron Configuration: arrangement of electrons of an atom, a molecule, or other physical structure. It concerns the way electrons can be distributed in the orbital’s of the given system. Niels Bohr was the first to propose (1923) that the periodicity in the properties of the elements might be explained by the electronic structure of the atom.[5] His proposals were based on the then current Bohr model of the atom, in which the electron shells were orbits at a fixed distance from the nucleus. The following year, E. C. Stoner incorporated Sommerfeld's third quantum number into the description of electron shells, and correctly predicted the shell structure of sulfur to be 2.8.6.[6] However neither Bohr's system nor Stoner's could correctly describe the changes in atomic spectra in a magnetic field, which was also called the Zeeman effect. Spectroscopy: originally the study of the interaction between radiation and matter as a function of wavelength (λ
). Absorption spectroscopy uses the range of the electromagnetic spectra in which a substance absorbs. This includes atomic absorption spectroscopy and various molecular techniques, such as infrared, ultraviolet-visible and microwave spectroscopy. Emission spectroscopy uses the range of electromagnetic spectra in which a substance radiates (emits). The substance first must absorb energy. This energy can be from a variety of sources, which determines the name of the subsequent emission, like luminescence. Molecular luminescence techniques include spectrofluorimetry. Scattering spectroscopy measures the amount of light that a substance scatters at certain wavelengths, incident angles, and polarization angles. One of the most useful applications of light scattering spectroscopy is Raman spectroscopy. Unobtainium: In engineering, fiction, or thought experiments, Unobtainium, which can be also spelled Unobtanium, is any extremely rare, costly, or physically impossible material, or (less commonly) device needed to fulfill a given design for a given application. The properties of any particular unobtainium depend on the intended use. For example, a pulley made of unobtainium might be massless and frictionless; however, if used in a nuclear rocket unobtainium would be light, strong at high temperatures, and resistant to radiation damage. The concept of unobtainium is often applied flippantly or humorously. Discovered by Marvenio Disanter at the University of Asgard in 20 BU. Atomic weight 310.065 (characteristic of naturally occurring isotopic mixture), atomic number 126, most common valence of 1 and 3. None of the three naturally occurring isotopes are stable nuclides. These are mass number 310, T½ 4.5 X 105 years, rel. at. mass 310.0508 (99.275%), mass number 312, T½ 7.1 X 104 years, , rel. at. mass 312.0439 (0.72 %), mass number 309, T½ 2.4 x 104 years, rel. at. mass 309.0409 (0.005 %). Occurrence in Skytopia crust 3.7 ppm. Mined as unobtanium ore. Main ores of commercial interest are Explosite (Uo6Si2O5), Boomite, (Uo5Al3Si9O24‧2 H2O), and Skystone (Uo3C23H30N11O4). Unobtanium is a deep green, lustrous, brittle, radioactive metal. It tarnishes rapidly in air, forming a layer of dark green oxide.Thought you'd like this coach lol :)
#2 Jennifer Easley

It took the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, which regulates nonmenclature, nearly 14 years to resolve disputes between the Germans and American researchers over who was first to produve the new element. In the March issue of the journal Pure and Applied Chemistry, the agency reported that the Germans had priority and were entitled to purpose a name.
Physicist Sigurd Hofmann, leader of the German team, said in a statement that it chose copernicium to "salute an influential scientist who didn't reciever any accolades in his own lifetime, and highlight the link between astronomy and the field of nuclear chemistry"
Copernicium was the first scientist to conclude that the planets of th solar system revolves around the sum rather than Earth.
? 2
Question 2
Copernicium, was first created by Gesellschaft fur Schwerionenforschung in 1996. It has the symbol Cn and is a synthetic radioactive chemical element. Its atomic number is 112. It was previously known as the element ununbium. Ununbium holds the symbol of Uub. It is named after the astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus.
Californium is a synthetic radioactive metallic chemical element in the actinide series with the symbol Cf and atomic number 98. The element was first produced in 1950 by bombarding curium with alpha particles (helium ions) at theUniversity of California, Berkeley. It was the sixth transuranium element to be synthesized and is one of highest atomic mass elements to be produced in weighable amounts. The element was named for California and the University of California.Californium is one of the few transuranium elements that have practical applications. Most of these applications exploit the property of certain isotopes of californium to emit neutrons. For example, californium can be used to help start-up nuclear reactors, and is employed as a source of neutrons when studying materials with neutron diffraction and neutron spectroscopy. Element 118 was synthesized by bombarding californium-249 atoms with calcium-48 ions.Californium was first synthesized at the University of California, Berkeley by the physics researchers Stanley G. Thompson, Kenneth Street, Jr., Albert Ghiorso, and Glenn T. Seaborg on or about February 9, 1950. It was the sixth transuranium element to be discovered, and this team announced its discovery on March 17, 1950. To produce californium, a microgram-sized target of curium-242 was bombarded with 35 MeV alpha particles in the 60-inch-diameter (1,500 mm) cyclotron at Berkeley, California, which produced nuclei of californium-245 (half-life 44 minutes), plus one free neutron.24296Cm + 42He → 24598Cf + 10n Only about 5,000 atoms of californium were produced in this experiment. The discoverers named the new element for California and also the University of California. This name was a break from the convention that had been used for the elements 95 to 97, which drew their inspiration from how the elements directly above them in the periodic table were named.Europium, in the sixth period directly above element 95, was named for the continent it was discovered on, so element 95 was named americium. Element 96 was named for Marie Curie andPierre Curie as an analog to the naming of gadolinium, which was named for the scientist andengineer Johan Gadolin. Terbium was named for the city it was discovered in, so element 97 was named berkelium. However, the element directly above element 98 in the periodic table, dysprosium, has a name that simply means "hard to get at" so the researchers decided to set-aside the informal naming convention. They added that "the best we can do is to point out [that] ... searchers a century ago found it difficult to get to California."Weighable quantities of californium were first produced by long-duration irradiation of plutonium targets at the Materials Testing Reactor at theIdaho National Laboratory. The high spontaneous fission rate of californium-252 was observed in these samples. The first experiment with californium in concentrated form occurred in 1958.[27] Californium-249 to -252 were isolated that same year from a sample of plutonium-239that had been irradiated with neutrons in a nuclear reactor for five years. The High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) at the Savannah River Site in South Carolina, started producing small batches of californium in the 1960s. The Atomic Energy Commission began selling, leasing, or lending small amounts of californium-252 to industrial and academic customers in the early 1970s for ten dollars per microgram; an average of 150 mg of californium-252 were shipped each year from 1970 to 1990. Milligram-quantities of californium can only be made in specialized high-flux reactors; there are only two reactors operating that can efficiently produce it: the High Flux Isotope Reactor in the United States and the Research Institute of Atomic Reactors in Dimitrovgrad, Russia. By 1995, the HFIR nominally produced 502 grams of californium annually. The difficulty of obtaining bulk quantities of californium led, in 1974, to the misidentification of hexagonal Cf2O2S and face-centered cubic CfS as two forms of californium metal. The crystal structure needed to be determined by using microgram amounts of the element
Question 2
Spectroscopy uses the interaction of energy with an object to create data and perform an analysis or a spectrum. this so called "spectrum" can be used to obtain information about atomic and molecular energy levels and more. The infared absorbtion spectrum of a substance is sometimes called a molecular fingerprint which determines each elements placent of color using the infared absorbtion method.
RUTHERFORDIUM- and element that was recently discoverd in 1969 by a Dr. Albert Ghiorso and later named after the renouned chemist and physisyst Lord Rutherford. when the element was discoverd near Dubna, Russia the scientists lacked the proper equipment needed to accelerate neon ions, the Brekeley group, led by none other than Albert Ghiorso grinded atoms of californium with ions of carbon producing rutherfordium -257, -258, -259. credit for the discovery is still being tossed around by many people due to the fact that the finding was more a team effort than a solo operation.
Question #2
question 2 cole woodruff
Answer #2
Electron Configuration is the arrangement of electrons of an atom, a molecule. It concerns the way electrons can be spread in the orbital of the system. According to the Copenhagen explanation of quantum mechanics, the placement of an electron is not well known until an act of measurement causes it to be detected.
Spectroscopy was is the study of the interaction between radiation and matter. It also can refer to a response to an alternating field or varying frequency. A further look of the scope of the definition added energy as a variable. A response as a function of wavelength is referred to as a spectrum.
Unobtanium is a term frequently used to describe any material with properties that are unlikely or improbable for any real material to possess and is, hence the name, unobtainable. It has been used since the 1950s, aerospace engineers have used it when referring to unusual materials, except that it does not exist. The word unobtainium may well have been coined in the aerospace industry to refer to materials capable of withstanding the extreme temperatures expected in reentry. Aerospace engineers are tempted to design aircraft which require parts with strength beyond that of available materials. Later, Unobtainium became an engineering term for practical materials that really exist, but are difficult to get. During the development of the SR-71 Blackbird spy plane, Lockheed engineers at the "Skunk Works" under Clarence "Kelly" Johnson used unobtainium as a code word for titanium. Titanium allowed a higher strength to weight ratio at the high temperatures the Blackbird would reach, but the Soviet Union controlled its supply and was trying to deprive the US armed forces of this valuable resource. Eventually, through a European front company, a large amount of titanium found its way to the United States.
Question number 2
Spectroscopy-was originally the study of the interaction between radiation and matter as a interaction betweeen wavelengths. It was originally the study of VISIBlE light. We look at a light source and it should break it up into different colors. If we use a flame as a light source then we can put a chemical into the flame and measure were the colors are. This is how we find what a sertant element is.
Ununpentium (Uup) was descovered in 2004. Although the Atomic mass, Electronegativity Density, Melting point, Boiling point, radius, & Ionic radius is still unknown we still have a way of sorting it and placing it in its own position on the periodic table. We have said the atomic number is 115. Its was created in California. It has a very short half- life and its almost no help for humans. BUT!! it still an element nun the less.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Question 2 By: Cici1224
Spectroscopy- Spectroscopy is a technique that uses the interaction of energy with a substance to perform an analysis. The data that is obtained from spectroscopy is called a spectrum. A spectrum can be used to obtain information about atomic and molecular energy levels, molecular geometries, chemical bonds, interactions of molecules, and related processes. Often, spectra are used to identify the components of a substance. The type of spectroscopy we use to identify elements is know as infrared spectroscopy. The infrared absorption spectrum of a substance is sometimes called its molecular fingerprint. Each element has a colors and placement of these colors using the infrared absorption method.
Rutherfordium- This somewhat recently discovered element was founded in 1969 by Albert Ghiorso and named after Lord Rutherford, a New Zealand chemist and physicist. Scientists working at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia, first reported the production of rutherfordium in 1964. They bombarded atoms of plutonium-242 with ions of neon-22, forming what they believed to be atoms of rutherfordium-260. In 1969, a group of scientists working at the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, now known as the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, in Berkeley, California, attempted to confirm the Dubna group's discovery. Lacking the equipment needed to accelerate neon ions, the Berkeley group, led by Albert Ghiorso, bombarded atoms of californium-248 and californium-249 with ions of carbon-12 and carbon-13, producing atoms of rutherfordium-257, rutherfordium-258, rutherfordium-259 and rutherfordium-261. They were, however, unable to produce the same isotope as the Dubna group. Credit for the discovery of rutherfordium is still under debate.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
configurations can be used to identify elements as well as how to identify with
spectroscopy. We have also examined how the periodic table has been developed and
arranged through experimentation. Explain how all of these developments have verified
the construction and the arrangement of the periodic table. Then examine how scientist develop new elements. Pick one new element and explain how the scientist developed it and where it belongs on the periodic table of elements.